Financial Strategy for Small-to-Mid-Size Businesses

If your small business has grown past its current financial structure, Halyard Associates can help. You know your business and you know your cash flow - or at least, you know how budgeting, expenses, and accounts payable have worked in the past. But now, your company has hit an inflection point, a point of growth and change. Perhaps you're not sure how to budget for next year, or how to execute on the new, biggest-yet contract, or you're not quite sure what is needed, but you know your current finance function isn't cutting it. 

This is where we step in.

Halyard Associates provides expert advice to forecast your company's financial future. From budgeting for future fiscal years to finding the appropriate mix of capital to fund your needs, Halyard Associates offers a range of enterprise financial planning services to mid-size businesses across a variety of industries. 

Financial Strategy

Halyard Associates helps you map out the strategies essential to growing your business. 

Interim & FRACTIONAL CFO Services

Halyard Associates provides CFO services on a temporary, part-time basis as your company grows. 


Raising Capital

Halyard Associates helps you create the capital structures that support your business's growth. 

Financial strategy to grow your business.


Complicated spreadsheets, accounting reports, sales pipelines, cash flow, tax impacts – business owners are inundated with financial data. What does it mean? What’s important and what’s just nice to know? How do you compare to your peers? This work is our bread and butter.

We sift through your data together and pull out what is most meaningful and actionable for you as CEO. We use your historical data and work with you to refine future projections. We aid you in defining your key triggers so you feel comfortable that you are keeping your finger on the pulse of your business.

Halyard Associates also brings perspective: How “should” you be structured at this stage in your company’s lifecycle? What changes should you be ready for next? How do you increase your competitive advantage?

If you feel your finance team can’t see the forest for the trees, Halyard Associates is here to guide the whole team.



Get CFO Services Now, and Keep Searching for the Right Fit.


Personnel changes, evolving organizational demands, rapid growth or simply an improper fit – occasionally your company needs a seasoned CFO to temporarily shepherd it into calmer water. Let us help you weather the storm and assist in finding a permanent CFO that fits your team.

Unlike larger firms, small and mid-size companies typically don’t have a qualified resource to step up and fill this more strategic role.  Often, accountants and controllers you may already employ are not yet qualified for this stage of their career. While accountants and controllers are essential to your ongoing operations, a seasoned CFO is an important member of any company’s executive team 

Halyard Associates provides part-time, interim CFO services to growing enterprises as you search for the best permanent CFO to fit your work culture and industry.



Raising Money to Support More Growth.


Raising money, courting investors, negotiating with lenders, selling all or part of your company – these can be confusing and stressful times for any business owner. In addition, while critically important, these types of events are normally not part of the ongoing operations of the business.

If you need to raise money, get your business ready for sale, or if you are considering an acquisition opportunity, come to us. We have experience guiding firms through a number of different types of transactions. These range from simple debt financing agreements to interaction with the Private Equity community to public debt and stock offerings.

Have us in your corner during these complicated transactions, so you can focus on continued growth.